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Visitors and Parent Behavior Expectation

The Judson ISD and this campus welcome parents and guardians to be involved in their child's education, and to become part of the school community by attending events or volunteering at school where such opportunities are available.  Any person, including a parent or guardian, that comes to an event at school or District facility, whether during, before, or after school, is expected to act in an appropriate, courteous, and professional manner toward school faculty, staff, and other students.  Any person, including a parent or guardian, that engages in inappropriate, threatening, or other unprofessional conduct while at school or attending a school event may be asked to leave after being given a warning.  Should the problem conduct continue, the person may be removed from the school building or District facility, both at that time and in the future.  The provisions related to such a removal are explained below.

1. The standards that allow for a person to be removed from the school's property, which includes:

     a. person's refusal to leave peaceably and
     b. the person poses a substantial risk of harm to others or
     c. the person behaves inappropriately for a school setting; and

2. The person is given a verbal warning that his or her behavior may result in ejection and future refusal of entry; and the person continues with the behavior.

3. The school's personnel may ask a person for identification at any time while he or she is on school property.

4. The school must maintain a record of all verbal warnings issued, which will include the name of the person to whom the warning was issued and the date of issuance.

5. The school's appeal process in the event it does issue a Criminal Trespass Warning (CTW) or other order denying access to school property to a person, which for JISD will be FNG (Local)    parent/student grievance process or GF (Local) process, if the person receiving the Criminal Trespass Warning (CTW) or other order is a community member.

6. Notice that a parent or guardian that has received a Criminal Trespass Warning (CTW) or other order denying access to school property will still be able to attend ARD meetings and/or Section 504 meetings for their child only; and

7. That the Criminal Trespass Warning (CTW) or other applicable order will not be for a period of longer than 1 year.