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Bluebonnet Book Challenge and Bluebonnet Breakfast

bb breakfast jan 30 7:45

We love our Bluebonnet Books! 

On January 30, each student in 3rd-5th grade who has read 5 of the Bluebonnet titles will be able to join Mrs. St. Pierre for a Bluebonnet Breakfast event full of games, snacks, and prizes!

Take a quiz on a book you have read!

Find your book quiz here:  Book Quizzes 2023-2024

Bluebonnet cuestionarios en español: Cuestionarios de Libros 2023-2024

Another way you can earn credit for reading a Bluebonnet Book is by creating a Flipgrid!

Try it out here: 

More Activities and Resources

Bluebonnet Award Youtube Channel

How to Make Paper Bluebonnets

Learn to Paint Bluebonnets